The end of a marathon

*Breathes In*

*Breathes Out*

Wow. I have finally reached the end of my project. Throughout this project I have learned a lot of things that I can hopefully apply to the future. I have learned to budget my time, plan out things with enough time, and have improved my production skills , I can now say I have worked on a film and have the experience when I do another one. In my Creative Critical Reflection I will be reflecting more on the process of my project. Speaking of the CCR, I am almost done with the script, and if everything goes as planned, I will film it this weekend.

As far as editing, we are nearly done. My partner, Nico, created a nice beat on GarageBand that really fits the mood of White Coat. When we finish editing we are going to decide if we want to include it or not. Next week we will out the final touches and fixing any little mistakes that we might see. To be honest, the hardest part of the editing process was finding and cutting clips because for some reason, when we imported our clips into Premiere Pro, it imported with all of the clips out of order.

I almost forgot to explain how I am going to market and distribute White Coat! Since we are aiming for a younger audience, we will be aiming to use technology that is familiar with that audience. We plan on creating a strong build up and high anticipation to the film opening on social media with hashtags (#) and posts that promote the opening. We are going to use social media platforms that are common with our target audience such as Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. As far as distribution goes, through further research we have realized that YouTube has a very big fan base and is known for the successes of music videos, films, and artistic videos. The success of many videos has projected many young and budding artists to fame and fortune. For those reasons, we believe that our opening will have success.

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White Coat, here it is!

White Coat has finally arrived! Here it is: Link: