Not much has changed

Since my last posting, nothing new has come up. What I can do now is become as well informed as possible about my production and general tips to speed up production. I forgot to mention, but we will likely not need a script since we don't plan on including dialogue, which will allow us to go straight off of what we storyboarded.

I knew going into this project that I am not Stephen Spielberg and that I needed to take in as much information to grow and learn. Taking note on other's experiences in the field is the best way to improve your production. I considered that mentality and looked for production tips and tricks for films on a budget. Because, obviously, we have a budget of 0, nada, zip, null.

While looking for articles on the internet, I found two that had really good tips. One centered on how to produce a film with a low budget (click here), while the other focused on tips of how to create an encouraging successful production (click here).

After reading through these articles, I took away two noteworthy things. In the first article I noted that it is important to plan with one shooting location, or as few as possible, in order to increase the time of production and reduce time spent on packing, unpacking, and traveling. Similarly, in the second article I noted that it's important to schedule scenes chronologically so the story flows smoothly and to not abuse the crew during production. If you want to read more of the articles be my guest, but what I learned from these articles is worth a lot more than one can pay for, so it's best to take it in, appreciate it, digest it, and figure out how I can use it.

[1] Westin, J. (2014, May 29). 10 Tips for Successfully Producing a Micro-Budget Feature. Retrieved March 11, 2018, from

[2] Shorr, A. (2018, January 25). 15 Pro Tips to Create a Better Production Schedule. Retrieved March 11, 2018, from

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White Coat, here it is!

White Coat has finally arrived! Here it is: Link: