Supplies/Props update

There is good news and bad news. In all fairness, there is more good news. The good news being that our shoot is still on as scheduled and that I have most of the supplies that I listed in the previous blog posting. The bad news is that I will have to purchase a lab coat since that is currently the only prop that I don't have. I know we are not supposed to spend money on this project but it will be necessary because the lab coat makes the actor look more like a scientist than a random person. Looking back on it we could have changed our plot but this storyline mad sense to us and a small investment in a lab coat is just a minor side effect. We found this lab coat on the Party City website that will just about do it for us.

These are some of the props we have gathered so far. The picture of my garage is where we will shoot the film opening. Over the weekend, I will need to pick up the lab coat from Party City and put together the rest of my props. Once we finish production, we will have to come up with a final name. We have come down to two options, White Coat or The Alchemist, we will see which one turns out to be the better choice in the long run and go with that one. Production is scheduled for Tuesday March 27, and we will likely take up a good 6-8 hours to film the whole thing. In my next posting I will most likely update this blog on how I plan to execute post-production and what we will need to do in order to edit effectively and in the best way possible after our shoot next week. Next week's posts will encompass how our production phase goes, such as putting together the set and the actual shoot itself. 

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White Coat, here it is!

White Coat has finally arrived! Here it is: Link: